Hi, my name is Jenny and welcome to my food blog. Jenny's Pantry is a blog for my favourite recipes with a focus on healthy eating. Food is one of my greatest passions - both cooking and eating! I believe that food with a healthy focus can taste great and I think it's important to care about what you eat so I spend lots of time finding and trying new recipes. Healthy food doesn't have to mean green veg and tofu. I like to think that all natural food has healthy aspects and we can enhance this by how we cook it and what we combine it with. So highly processed food is out, but while red meat contains saturated fat, it's also full of iron so can be part of a healthy meal - just don't combine it with anything that's been deep-fried :-)
A little bit more about me: I live in London, which is such a great food city! There are so many fresh food markets with an amazing array of food and incredible choice. London also has a reputation for fantastic restaurants. While some of these will break the bank, great value can also be found. So I do also like to get out of the kitchen and have someone else cook my meals!
Contact Me: jennyspantry@gmail.com